The Bathmates are a wonderful device to help men increase their penis size. They are especially adept at increasing thickness and penis head size. Unfortunately, they aren't perfect and tend to lag behind penis extenders when it comes to increasing length. The problem is that extenders have a bad reputation for being uncomfortable to wear which makes wearing them several hours a day difficult.
Fortunately, the Phallosan Forte penis stretcher that has moved away from the conventional rigid frame that we associate with the majority of extenders while using a gentle vacuum seal instead of a plastic noose to secure the penis. The end result is a device that offers users the same benefits as traditional extenders while eliminating all of their shortcomings.
Using the Phallosan stretcher couldn't be easier and even though it will take you a little longer at the beginning, with more experience you will be able to put it on in less than a minute. Since it is more comfortable you also won't need to remove it as often since it doesn't pinch and impede blood flow. Most users say that the Phallosan device is so comfortable they often forget they are wearing it.
Because of its non-rigid structure, the Phallosan Forte device can easily be concealed under clothing and can be worn while you sleep. This double benefit gives user more options to fit in the required hours of daily usage within their schedule. As a matter of fact, when worn during sleep hours, it is possible to meet your daily quota of usage hours by the time you get up.